
Pastoral Staff

David Chery
Lead Pastor
David started Summit Creek Church in Eugene, OR with a team of people during the summer of 2015. For eight years prior to that he was a pastor at Blue Sky Church in Bellevue, WA. David’s responsibilities at Summit Creek include casting the overall vision, teaching and preaching, overseeing staff, and leader development as the church grows. David enjoys reading and learning languages while he, his wife Laura and their three kids love spending time outdoors and meeting new people.
Keegan Chaplin
Staff Pastor
Keegan was brought on staff as a pastor in the summer of 2019. He graduated from the University of Oregon with a degree in accounting, and in his free time he enjoys spending time with his wife Audrey and playing golf.
Austin Lewis
Staff Pastor
Austin was brought on staff as a pastor in the winter of 2024. Before coming on staff he was a firefighter and paramedic for Eugene Springfield Fire, and in his free time he enjoys spending time with his wife Sarah and their three kids.

Support Staff

Caroline Dennis
Kids' Director
Caroline was brought on as our full-time Kids' Director in the winter of 2022, and coordinates our kids' program curriculum, volunteers, and classrooms. Prior to helping plant Summit Creek Church, Caroline oversaw Blue Sky Church's kids’ program, working as the full-time Kids' Director there. Caroline felt persuaded that Jesus was asking her to do it again, and to help begin a new kids’ program for Summit Creek. Caroline enjoys getting outside, hanging out with friends, and making soup.
Harrison Eng
Worship Leader
Harrison is our main worship leader. He is responsible for leading and training worship band members, and leading worship at our Sunday Service. He takes care of all these duties on a voluntary basis at Summit Creek while simultaneously working full time. Harrison and his wife Kim both enjoy gardening, watching basketball, and spending time with their three kids.
Taryn Ferrando
Taryn is Summit Creek's volunteer bookkeeper. Her responsibilities include organizing the church finances, budgets, and bank accounts. Taryn enjoys spending time with friends and family, eating good food, and taking care of her garden.