
What to Expect


We gather Sundays at 10:30am down the street from 5th Street Market. We know that going to a church for the first time can be an intimidating experience full of questions like, “What’s going to happen?” “Will I be dressed right?” “What will the music be like?” “Will there be people there like me?” So here is what you will want to know.


There is no need to dress up, so feel free to come in casual clothes. Are you a college student in need of a ride to and from service? Request a ride here.



We start our service with worship by singing songs to God. The worship music is current, ranging from modern hymns to contemporary worship songs. Some people respond naturally to God’s presence by raising hands, kneeling, or clapping, but we just want you to worship in a manner that’s real. At Summit Creek Church, this means low-key, non-hyped, heartfelt responses to the Living God. We will have three songs before the teaching, and one song after.


After worship, a pastor will teach from the English Standard Version of the Bible (if you don’t own a Bible, we would love to give you one when you visit). Because we believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God, we teach it as it is, rather than teaching our own opinion. We aim to teach the Bible in a way that is clear and understandable to all, regardless of church experience. We hope that you will leave challenged and encouraged to put it into practice.


We end our service with one final worship song and a time of prayer.


Our Kids' Program is available for kids newborn through 5th grade. Doors will be open for kids 10 minutes before the start of service. Middle schoolers and high schoolers join us in the auditorium for service.


The service lasts for about an hour and fifteen minutes. Once it ends, please feel free to hang out and meet people in the lobby afterwards. We would definitely like to meet you!